Monday, August 13, 2012

#95 Anjing punya anjing

So I was attacked by a bitch today. Like a REAL bitch. What the hell, right? I was walking from the bus stop to my workplace, as carefree and happy as a girl could be. Then I saw from distant, a woman talking on the phone, walking towards me with her black psychotic and possibly mad dog. And I thought ah well, it's just another dog, act cool and she won't disturb you. I walked, and walked, and walked, and walked, and those two creatures were just next to me when suddenly 'WOOOOOOOOOOFFF!' That bitch just attacked me; with her legs on my chest. I managed to yell for help (of course) as the owner was too busy talking on the phone (SCREW HER!!!), but I couldn't move an inch or I'll probably get hit by a car. Talk about the choices you have in life... Anyway I looked at the owner's face, and she simply looked at her bitch with the 'What the hell?!! You can't do that!!' face, as if that bitch can understand that. Very funny. I smirked and left them both. I know I should hv at least stayed so that she can say she's sorry and all but man, that woman can't be separated from her phone. Bodoh gila. If I were her, the moment my dog attacked a stranger I met on the road I would stop whatever I'm doing and immediately say I'm sorry. Memang aku nak mencarut sebakul kat that whore. Haaaa ambik. And that's why I left them. 

Never in my life have I been so shocked. Terus aku menjerit 'Screw everyone!!!!' dalam hati. Ha ha ha terus aku emo sepanjang perjalanan nak pg kerja tu. Marah sikit, lepas tu nangis lebih sbb aku terkejut gila babi punya terkejut. No sebenarnya aku tak tau kenapa aku nangis hahahahaha bukan berdarah ke apa pun. But still......... Fine drama je lebih.

Lepas ni kalau ada terserempak dgn mana2 anjing biadap mcm tu, I'll definitely scream 'STAY OUT OF MY LIFE YOU MOTHER OF BITCHES!!' Pretty sure that's what I've learned from today incident.